Blurb – ‘Meet the man of the house: Plump and prosperous, he has seven children but his desire for more just might be his undoing.
And his wives: The first will stop at nothing to rule the house. The second is shy and timid - her life is shadowed by fear. The third is schemer with crimson lips and expensive tastes. And the forth doesn't know it, but she has the power to unmask them all.’
The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives is a witty and comical story from Lola Shoneyin, that takes you on an adventurous journey of Baba Segi and his family as he tries to conceive with his newest and fourth wife, Bolanle.
I had seen this book recommended on a number of platforms, so decided to add it my ever-expanding reading list!
Arguably confusing that an educated, young lady such as Bolanle, would choose - against her mother's wishes - to marry a man with three wives and seven children,
as the story goes on, we begin to understand Bolanle and what caused her to make such a drastic decision. I found myself empathising with her, and admired her strength in the face of resistance from her fellow wives, and vocal disappointment from her mother.
What I particularly enjoyed about this read, is how the book explored the complexities of each wife's journey, as well as the shocking conclusion.
Have you read The Secret Lives of Baba Segi's Wives? I would love to hear your thoughts, please comment below.